Business loan is the obvious choice if you need a finance your business , revamp your business, launch a new venture, install new machinery or to increase working assets.
Business loan is the obvious choice if you need a finance your business , revamp your business, launch a new venture, install new machinery or to increase working assets.
Business Loans are mainly categorized either as Short-term Loans or Long-term Loans and Secured Loans or Unsecured Loans
Professional and Trade Loans , which can be both Secured or Unsecured and Short Term or Long Term in nature as per the terms and conditions mentioned by the bank or the NBFC (Non banking Financial Corporation) which provides the loan.
Achieve all your goals and aspirations; with the right kind of help, exactly when you need it.
Professional loans are extended to self employed professionals such as doctors, chartered accountants and lawyers, based on their individual credit history. This loan is usually extended on personal rapport basis and in many instances some kind of collateral
Term loans are the standard type of loan that can be for both personal and business purposes. The entire amount in a term loan is disbursed and is EMI (Equal Monthly Installments) based for a specific pre-defined tenure.
Oerdraft loans are usually based on some collateral or securities especially in terms of Bank Fixed Deposits. Usually a bank, depending upon the credit history, cash flows, tenure of banking relationship and the repayment history of the business or individual promoter takes an approval for a certain fixed overdraft limit. Based on the limit, the overdraft amount can be utilized and interest is charged by the bank only on the utilized amount.
Working capital loans are usually provided to businesses as regular working capital. This loan is also against collateral and has a lesser rate of interest than overdrafts. In this type of a loan as well, interest is charged by the bank only on the utilized amount and not on the entire sanctioned amount.
All loans are not created equal, business loan has become a great option for people to use.
Any salaried, self-employed or professional Public and Privat companies, Government sector employees including Public Sector is eligible for a business loan.
Maximum age of applicant at loan maturity: 60 years
Minimum Net Monthly Income: Rs 15,000
Applicant should have the bank specified credit score.
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